aguycalled payment for the development of the wNAV bridge - | |
Proposal Hash | c0c2288ddc20ead939ca...c7fc |
Block Hash | 54aeb50535b50ee16b5b...161c |
Payment Address | NcHAVj4wcJLZeSdMYhm81jzy1XKj9S7wdJ |
Duration | 25 weeks, 6 days |
Nav Requested | 92,500 Nav |
Nav Paid | 92,500 Nav |
Fee | 50 Nav |
Status | Accepted_Expired |
Super proposal | No |
Accept | 10,689 |
Reject | 134 |
Abstain | 95 |
Excluded | 6,078 |
Voted | 10,918 |
Didn't Vote | 3,164 |
Unmined | 0 |
Excluded | 6,078 |
Accept: 10,103 | Reject: 42 | Abstain: 175
Voted: 10,320 | Didn't Vote: 2,703 | Unmined: 0