
Soft Forks

Signaling for block 6,779 of 20,160 in the 457th block cycle.
There are 13,381 blocks remaining.

Active / Locked-in

Name Locked In Height Activation Height Votes Status
Dao super 5806080 5826240 84.8% Active
Exclude 4939200 4959360 79.1% Active
Blsct 4939200 4959360 79.4% Active
Coldstaking v2 4253760 4273920 86.8% Active
Votestatecache 4253760 4273920 86.4% Active
Consultations 4253760 4273920 86.7% Active
Dao consensus 4253760 4273920 86.7% Active
Coldstaking pool fee 3528000 3548160 84.9% Active
Coldstaking 2741760 2761920 99.9% Active
Static 2741760 2761920 99.9% Active
Spread cfund accumulation 2600640 2620800 83.4% Active
Communityfund 2600640 2620800 83.4% Active
Communityfund amount v2 2600640 2620800 83.2% Active
Communityfund accumulation 2217600 2237760 81.1% Active
Ntpsync 2217600 2237760 81.1% Active
Segwit 1653120 1673280 98.0% Active
Csv 20160 40320 100.0% Active


Name Blocks Signalling Blocks Required Blocks Remaining Votes Status
There are no signalling soft forks


Name Start Time Timeout Status
reduced_quorum 2018-12-01, 00:00:00 2019-12-01, 00:00:00 Expired
xnav_ser 2021-11-24, 00:00:00 2023-11-24, 00:00:00 Expired
dot_nav 2021-11-24, 00:00:00 2023-11-24, 00:00:00 Expired